Thursday, July 22, 2010

2019, the PC will look like?

From the beginning, like a big machine room, and now the familiar desktop to CPU component-based PC architecture is almost no change. But 10 years later, all essential to the appearance and function of computers will exceed the restrictions become a more reasonable there.

Biometric security system so that users can visit any place of work and personal lives all the data, and these data will reside in the cloud environment; to roll out mobile phone screen, the screen becomes a large size; facing car waved his arm, you can open the door; touch a button, you can order breakfast of coffee and pay; just a few easy clicks, you can book holiday weekend ... ...

"PC is the engine or tools into a portal and enabler (enabler), they will play a partner role in the future. They will participate in more advanced cognitive tasks, to help people complete the work." Intel's director of research Andrew Chien This description will assume the role of the future PC.

For decades, personal computers take a leading role has been in the business. Although it is improving and becoming more light, more mobile, but still in many ways such as those connected with the old mainframe terminal. But with the PC by a standard desktop and notebook computer into a number of computing devices and peripherals mixture, in the next 10 years, PC will undergo radical changes.

2019, the PC will look like? We interviewed the research and development, IT management, and a dozen academic experts to understand their views. We were surprised to find that, in addition to this article at the beginning of these applications, the experts also believe that the future of the PC will become more intelligent, it can gently remind you that the names of acquaintances, but also remind you that taking time; it will be your partner, you housekeeper - and may even be your friend ... ...

Main function is not calculated

"The PC 2019 will be more similar to the iPhone, rather than the present we see desktop or notebook computer." GamePipe Laboratory Director, University of Southern California Department of Computer Science and Engineering Practice Ke 鏁欐巿 Michael Zyda the 10-year post-PC devices as "Context Machine" (context machine): "It will know your location, and may know what you're looking for information, and will detect nearby have no friends there, and remind each other to your name, and you talk about the latest content. "

The appearance of future PC, the experts agreed that 2019's PC look and today's notebook PCs will be quite different. "The future will look like a mobile PC, rings or watches and other products, it may be a variety of exterior shape." Dan Siewiorek said.

Dan Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon's computer science, electrical and computer engineering professor, is the university's Human-Computer Interaction Institute. He said that the function will increasingly affect the PC's appearance. For example, can not live independently, need help for the elderly may be wearing a similar watch the PC, as a virtual assistant, remind yourself when you need to see a doctor or medication; skilled workers will be caught in the glasses on PC, it can be embedded monitor access and browse information, and through the glasses inside the camera to share with colleagues and supervisors to see the information. Siewiorek, said the future of PC technology is expected to completely change the port crane operators, such as aircraft mechanics and other workers, or practices.

"Our work and life changes, and the increasingly blurred lines between the two, is leading us in the future will see major changes in the computer." British Telecom Global Services, said CIO Wen Xiao, 2019鐨凱C浼氭洿灏忓阀锛屾棤澶勪笉鍦ㄣ? PC鐨勫姛鑳藉皢渚ч噸浜庤闂帶鍒跺拰閫氫俊锛岃?涓嶆槸璁$畻銆傝绠楀姛鑳戒粛椹荤暀鍦ㄤ簯鐜閲岄潰锛屾瘡涓敤鎴峰彲鏍规嵁闇?鏉ヨ幏鍙栥?

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銆??澶栬灏嗘垚涓哄巻鍙?br />
銆??閴翠簬鎶?湳鍙戝睍鐨勬笎杩涙?鑰冭檻锛屼笓瀹朵滑璁や负锛屾湭鏉C鐨勫彉闈╁彲鑳戒細浠庡睆骞曞紑濮嬨?鐢ㄦ埛灏嗕細鎷ユ湁鍙皟鏁村昂瀵哥殑灞忓箷锛屽彲浠ュ皢鍏堕摵寮?潵銆佸嵎璧锋潵鎴栨憡寮?潵銆?br />
銆??鈥滀綘鍙互鎵洸灞忓箷锛岃鍏跺昂瀵稿彉澶у埌6鑻卞楂樸?10鑻卞瀹斤紝杩欐牱灏卞彲浠ラ?杩囨棤绾垮甯︽垨瀵圭瓑鎶?湳鏉ヨ璧忕數瑙嗘垨璁块棶淇℃伅銆傜劧鍚庯紝浣犲彲浠ュ皢鍏跺甫鍒板姙鍏锛屽彲浠ラ摵寮?潵寮?宸ヤ綔; 涔熷彲浠ヨ瀹冧笌鍔炲叕瀹ょ殑鎵撳嵃鏈烘垨鍏朵粬璁惧杩涜閫氫俊銆傗?鐮旂┒鍏徃ThinkBalm鐨勫垎鏋愬笀Sam Driver璇淬?


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銆??Siewiorek鍒欒〃绀猴紝鏈潵鐨凱C杩樹細鎳傚緱璇嗗埆鐣岄檺锛岀浉搴旇皟鏁存樉绀哄睆銆備妇渚嬫潵璇达紝濡傛灉浣犳鍦ㄧ湅鎶曞奖鍦ㄥ涓婄殑鏈哄瘑棰勭畻锛岃繖鏃舵湁浜鸿蛋鍏ュ姙鍏锛屼綘鐨凱C灏变細瀵熻鍒拌繖涓汉鐨勫嚭鐜帮紝鏈夊叧淇℃伅灏变細闅愯棌璧锋潵銆?br />
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銆??Google鍏徃鐨勭爺绌跺伐绋嬪笀Bill Schilit涔熻涓猴紝鏈潵鐨凱C浼氭敞閲嶁?涓?鍖栤?(涓嶈繃浠栧己璋冿紝杩欐槸浠栦釜浜虹殑鎰挎櫙锛岃?涓嶆槸Google鐨勬効鏅?銆備粬琛ㄧず锛屾秷璐硅?瀵规父鎴忎互鍙婂揩閫熻闂棩甯镐俊鎭?瀛︽牎鏀惧亣閫氱煡銆佷氦閫氭渶鏂颁俊鎭拰澶╂皵棰勬姤绛?鐨勯渶姹傦紝浼氭帹鍔ㄤ汉浠噰鐢ㄦ湭鏉ヤ釜鎬у寲鐨凱C銆?br />
銆??Xiao琛ㄧず锛岃繖灏嗕负鍛樺伐浠彁渚涙洿澶氱殑閫夋嫨銆備粬浠彲浠ラ?鎷╄嚜宸卞枩娆㈢殑浠讳綍PC锛屽叿浣撲娇鐢ㄥ摢绉嶈绠楄澶囧浼佷笟鏉ヨ鍐嶄篃涓嶉噸瑕佷簡銆傗?鎴戜滑浼氬叏闈㈠疄琛岃櫄鎷熷寲; 濡傛灉鎴戝浠?箞閮借繘琛岃櫄鎷熷寲锛岄偅涔堟姇璧勪簬璁惧鏄敊璇殑鍐冲畾銆傛垜蹇呴』鍏虫敞鏋舵瀯銆傗?浠栬銆?br />


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Friday, July 9, 2010

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CaleSoft DVD to iPhone Video Suite

Wondersoft DVD to iPhone Video Suite

AllRipper DVD To iPod

Newsgroup Clients EVALUATION

Converting Mp4 To Mp3

Youtube FLV to DAT Home

Bluesea AVI to iPod

Mod to avi

M4A CD Box

Games Board Report

Good Graphic Editors