Tuesday, October 5, 2010

WPS form with a control tool to insert Flash animation

We often use the control tool to insert Flash animations in PPT, after trying to find that form in the WPS control tools can also be easily inserted through Flash animation, add a little table for the dry atmosphere of Smart. Main steps are as follows:

1, ready to be inserted in the Flash animation material, I have to insert the animation material under the root directory is C's "beautiful clock. Swf".

2, run WPS form, the blank space in the toolbar right-click pop-up menu, click "Control Toolbox" (Figure 1).

Figure 1 WPS call the "Control Toolbox"

Then click "Control Toolbox" in the "Other Controls" button, the drop-down list in the pop-up drag the scroll bar to find Shockwave Flash Object option (Figure 2), click the option.

Figure 2 WPS insert Flash Object

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Figure 3 WPS Insert Flash

4, draw a rectangle on the right-click pop-up menu, click "Properties" popup "Properties" dialog box, in the "Movie" option on the right enter the address and name of the Flash animation: C: Exquisite Clock . swf, and then in the "EmbedMovie" right of the display of the "False" click to see the black triangle arrow down and click the mouse, the parameter to "True" (Figure 4).

Figure 4 WPS modify the control properties

WPS said it would form an embedded Flash animation file. Click the "Control Toolbox" in the "design mode" button to exit the design mode, look, Flash animation has begun to play a (Figure 5).

Figure 5 WPS in Flash Player

5, if necessary to adjust the size of Flash animation display area, just re-click "Control Toolbox" in the "design mode" button to enter the design mode, use the mouse to drag the control points around the playing area can be.

Using a similar approach can also be embedded multimedia files in other formats WPS table, rich performance.


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